Release of prisoner postponed due to not accepting the 'regret' 2023-11-26 12:34:41   İZMİR - Hanım Yıldırım, wife of Abdulbari Yıldırım (61), who was not released from the prison where he had been imprisoned for 30 years because he did not accept the imposition of "regret", wanted this cruelty and unlawfulness to end.   Abdulbari Yıldırım, a 61-year-old political prisoner in Izmir Şakran No. 2 Type T Closed High Security Prison, could not leave the prison where he expected to complete his life sentence and step out after 30 years. The Prison Administration and Observation Board imposed "regret" on Yıldırım, who was supposed to be released on November 15. Since he did not accept the imposition, his execution was postponed for 6 months by the Board.   After being detained in Izmir on November 15, 1993, Yıldırım was tried at the State Security Court (DGM) in 1994 and sentenced to life imprisonment on the grounds that he was a "member of a terrorist organization".   ON THE LIST OF 'SERIOUSLY ILL PRISONERS'   Yıldırım, who lost all his teeth due to the torture he was subjected to in custody, is one of the names on the list of "seriously ill prisoners" of the Human Rights Association (IHD). Yıldırım suffered from many diseases such as stomach, pharyngitis, migraine, herniated disc and high blood pressure during his 30-year captivity.   His wife, Hanım Yıldırım, is angry that Abdulbari Yıldırım continues to be held in prison even though he has completed his prison sentence.   THE RELEASE OF YILDIRIM WAS POSTPONED   Stating that the release of her husband, who has many health problems, was unlawfully and arbitrarily prevented, Ms. Yıldırım said: “While we were waiting to provide his treatment after his release, his release was postponed. We were very saddened that he was not released even though his sentence was over. "People's mothers, wives, children and siblings are waiting, but the releases are postponed arbitrarily."   THE POLICY OF TURKISH STATE   Abdulbari Yıldırım's cousin Türkan Yıldırım also stated that it is state policy to postpone the executions of prisoners after they have been in prison for 30 years. Drawing attention that there are also prisoners with serious health problems among them, Yıldırım said: “We do not find what happened right. There is no guarantee of what my brother, who has serious illnesses, will experience in this 6-month period. He remained in prison for 30 years and went through very difficult processes and torture. Despite this, they are still trying to be helped in prison. This is unconscionable.”   'THIS ARBITRARISM MUST BE STOPPED'   Stating that the Administration and Observation Boards were established to arbitrarily postpone the execution of political prisoners, Yıldırım said: "This arbitrariness be stopped immediately and all prisoners whose releases were postponed be released. These unlawful acts do not only put pressure on prisoners. It affects society as a whole. It is unacceptable to arbitrarily postpone releases after waiting 30 years. I call on human rights defenders, democratic mass organizations, political parties and all sensitive public to take action to end these injustices that hurt the conscience."   MA / Delal Akyüz