2 million 150 thousand people left without electricity in Turkey's attacks 2023-11-26 12:03:54   NEWS CENTER - It was reported that in Northern and Eastern Syria, where 2 million 150 thousand people were left without electricity due to Turkey's attacks, the damage in the last 6 months exceeded 1 billion dollars.   Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria have been continuing since October 4. In the region where infrastructure, energy centers, water, gas stations and oil wells were directly targeted by warplanes and unmanned aerial vehicles(drones), many people lost their lives, infrastructure and many institutions were damaged, and millions of people were left without electricity. Rimêlan Oil Fields Management prepared a report on the damage in the area. According to the report in ANHA, the damage exceeded 1 billion dollars. Due to the attacks, the revenues of the Autonomous Administration's treasury decreased by at least 540 million dollars.   The report stated that the gas needs in the region were negatively affected by the attacks targeting the stations and the single gas factory, and that the air attacks also affected the operations of the furnaces and water stations in the Cizir Region and the southern part of Deir ez-Zor. It was reported that 2 million 150 thousand people were left without electricity in the Autonomous Administration regions due to the station being completely out of service. In the report, it was stated that 35 million 351 thousand 228 dollars of damage was caused in the Cizîr Region, where 13 oil wells were bombed. In addition, the damage caused by targeting 6 oil collection stations (Aliyan, Babasî, Zarbe, S2, Aliyan Duyem, Seîde) was announced as 96 million 565 thousand 768 dollars. In the report, it was stated that the reconstruction and repair cost of the oil centers targeted by Turkey was 7 million 500 thousand dollars.