Mehmet Öcalan: İmralı gates must be opened for a solution 2023-11-19 11:56:56   AMED - Mehmet Öcalan, brother of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who participated in the "Freedom March" from Amed, said: "Everyone should use their democratic rights. "Imrali's doors must be opened for a solution."   The march that started yesterday in Gemlik for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison and has not been heard from for 32 months, continues. Abdullah Öcalan's brother, Mehmet Öcalan, is one of those who walked to Gemlik from many cities of Kurdistan, overcoming all the obstacles of the police.   CONDEMNING OBSTACLES   Speaking about the importance of the march, Mehmet Öcalan said: "The situation of not receiving news from İmralı is approaching its 33rd month. There is no law or human rights in Turkey. We came with our co-chairs and they blockaded us. This is a great cruelty. All people need to know this truth. He condemned the obstacles. There will be no salvation for Kurds and Turks with these policies."   'WE ARE USING OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT'   Drawing attention to freedom of expression, Öcalan said: “People should be able to express themselves freely. We are not tearing this country apart. We are exercising our legal, democratic right. We will achieve this no matter what they do. If necessary, we pay that price. Neither his family nor his lawyers have heard from Abdullah Öcalan for 32 months."   'İMRALI GATE SHOULD BE OPENED'   Underlining that the march is a democratic condemnation and a legal right, Öcalan said: “Everyone should use this right. Everyone should do their best to walk to İmralı Island. It is our call to everyone; If it weren't for Abdullah Öcalan's struggle, we wouldn't be able to give an interview in Kurdish here. We don't know whether the president is alive or not. This is never acceptable. He called on everyone to use their democratic rights in whatever way they can and the Imrali gate should be opened.   'DEMOCRATIC ACTIONS SHOULD CONTINUE'   Stating that many patriotic and democratic people insisted on the march despite the obstacles, Öcalan called for continuing democratic reactions. Öcalan said: “This is a legal democratic right. People should put this right into practice. If the Imrali gate is lifted, there will be peace in the solution of the Kurdish-Turkish issue."    MA / Müjdat Can ​