Appointment of trustee in Pirsus protested 2023-11-15 15:55:06   RIHA - The appointment of a trustee to Pirsûs Municipality was protested with a press release made on its 4th anniversary.   The People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Riha Provincial Organization made a press statement on the 4th anniversary of the appointment of a trustee to Pirsus Municipality. HEDEP provincial and district organizations, Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peace Mothers and many people attended the statement held in front of HEDEP Pirsus District Organization.   Speaking in the statement, HEDEP Provincial General Assembly member and Pirsus Municipality Deputy Co-Mayor Nahide Kılıç said that Hatice Çevik, who was dismissed from her post by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and replaced by a trustee, was acquitted in all the cases in which she was tried, but she was not reinstated. Reminding that the trustee appointed instead of Çevik was replaced before the general elections held in May, Kılıç said: "The appointment of trustees to Pirsûs Municipality, which was almost unlawfully usurped, is still continuing. Trustees are appointed not to serve the public but to produce means of income for the government. The trustee regime has caused language, culture, genocide, usurpation, plunder, demoralization and destruction in many areas. The avenues and alleys in the district are unwalkable. All the resources of the district have been handed over to supporters. The trustee has introduced a system of exploitation, not service to the public."   'WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR MUNICIPALITIES'   Stating that they will expand the democratic struggle against the trustees, Kılıç continued: “We do not accept the opportunistic and unlawful anti-democratic practices of the government. We call out to the current government once again; Immediately release all our friends you are unlawfully holding hostage in prisons. We have full faith that we will take our municipalities from the trustees in the 2024 Local Elections. We once again condemn and reject the trustee regime."