'Abdullah Öcalan's physical conditions must be changed' 2023-11-15 13:55:31   WAN - Stating that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the interlocutor in the solution of the Kurdish issue, HEDEP Wan Provincial Co-chair Veysi Dilekçi said: "The physical conditions must be changed."   Campaigns and initiatives launched to demand the lifting of absolute isolation and ensuring physical freedom for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from for 32 months in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison, continue. In the declarations made in Istanbul and Amed, the role of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in the solution of the Kurdish issue was emphasized. Afterwards, it was announced that a "Freedom March" would be held in Gemlik on November 18 with demands to end the isolation and ensure the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.   'ISOLATION DEEPENS THE ISSUES'   People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Wan(Van) Provincial Co-Chair Veysi Dilekçi said: "PKK Leader Öcalan's physical freedom should be ensured in order to solve the problems. The isolation has exceeded the level of torture. Mr. Öcalan, in addition to being a political leader, is a public figure. He is the interlocutor in solving the issues in Turkey; therefore, this isolation practice has become permanent."   Stating that the Imrali isolation has spread to every aspect of life, Dilekçi said: "This situation is not a legal situation according to the current law and constitution. It is a serious unlawfulness, violation of rights and violation of human rights. It is a serious violation of international agreements. Mr. Öcalan's meeting with his own family and lawyers must be provided as soon as possible. The public has an intense expectation of hearing from Mr. Öcalan. This isolation leads to the deepening of the issues and lack of solution. This isolation must be lifted as soon as possible."   'THE INTERLOCUTOR OF THE SOLUTION IS ÖCALAN'   Emphasizing that Abdullah Öcalan's role is key in resolving the Kurdish issue and evolving the process to peace, Dilekçi said: "This is a fact known years ago. Mr. Öcalan's role cannot be discussed in terms of the Kurdish issue. The state also knows this reality. Periodically, especially through governments, meetings with Mr. Öcalan are held. The best example of this was between 2013-15. The solution of the issue must be with the interlocutor, and the interlocutor is Mr. Öcalan."   Stating that isolation is an issue of all segments of society, Dilekçi said: "It is an issue of the whole public, as well as of Kurdish politics or people who believe in democracy. No one should deny the reality of Mr. Öcalan's role. Let leave this policy of isolation, it is no longer an issue for the whole process, both physically and in general. We need to make an effort to include them."   Drawing attention that the Kurdish issue is no longer a regional issue, Dilekçi continued: "It is a problem that is on the agenda of the entire Middle East. In this sense, the interlocutor of many issues triggered by the Kurdish issue is Mr. Öcalan. Mr. Öcalan is now the interlocutor in a physical sense. This isolation must be lifted, Mr. Öcalan must be included in the process, and his physical conditions must be changed."   MA / Ruken Polat