Mother tongue protest during MEB budget negotiations 2023-11-14 15:33:11   ANKARA - During the Ministry of Education budget discussions in the Commission, HEDEP MPs protested the lack of resources for Kurdish and other languages and the removal of lunch for students with banners.   Discussions on the "2024 Central Government Budget Bill", which was submitted to the Presidency of the Parliament with the signature of AKP Chairperson and President Tayyip Erdoğan, continue in the Planning and Budget Commission. The Ministry of National Education (MEB) budget meeting, which was submitted to the commission and started to be discussed today, witnessed the protest of the MPs of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP).   MPs from HEDEP came to the meeting hall with banners saying, "Education in mother tongue is a right" in their hands to protest the fact that no resources were allocated to Kurdish and other languages in the Ministry's budget, as well as the lack of an emphasis or statement in this direction.   MPs from HEDEP, who also protested the abolition of free meals in kindergartens affiliated with the Ministry of Education, carried signs and said: "One meal is a right" against the lack of resources allocated for this issue in the new budget.