Daughter of seriously ill prisoner Çam: He should be released for treatment 2023-11-12 13:47:54   SÊRT - Stating that her father had serious health problems, Şimel Çam, the daughter of ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Çam said: "The cyst in his kidneys recurred again. He needs surgery."   Mehmet Emin Çam (72), the former Provincial Chairman of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), who was arrested in Sêrt on December 12, 2012, on the grounds that he was "involved in the KCK City Council structure", was released after spending 10 months in prison. At the Siirt High Criminal Court. Çam, who was tried, was sentenced to 9 years on the allegation of "being a member of an organization". Çam was arrested on March 14, 2022, after the sentence was approved by the Supreme Court of Appeals. Çam, who was held in solitary confinement in Batman Type M Closed Prison for 17 days, was arrested in Batman on April 1, 2022. /Beşiri was transferred to Type T Closed Prison.   Çam, who is on the list of seriously ill prisoners of the Human Rights Association (IHD), was diagnosed with a spot on the right side of his brain in 2014 during the examinations performed due to severe headaches. Çam, who has a cyst in his kidney and whose gallbladder was removed by surgery, has to use blood liquefaction drugs and painkillers for the rest of his life. Çam's health issues worsened after he was imprisoned, and he also developed hearing loss in his right ear.   Çam's daughter, Şimel Çam, stated that her father was not in a position to stay in prison and asked for his release.   'KIDNEY CYSTS HAD RECURRED'   Çam, who visited his father on November 9, said: “My father was very exhausted, he almost lost his hearing. His illnesses also strain him. He stated that the cyst in his kidneys had recurred. He needs surgery because of this; however, surgery is not performed. There is an inability to warm up due to the cyst. This disease puts a lot of strain on him. He also stated that he still had pain in his arms and that he was losing feeling in his left arm and left leg. He wants to know what caused this; however, he cannot receive information. He has vision problems. He has both myopia and astigmatism."   CALL FOR AWARENESS   Stating that keeping his father in prison despite all his illnesses puts his life in danger, Çam said: "How can someone who has so many illnesses and is in such a difficult situation that he cannot sustain his own life stay in prison? It is urgent that he be evacuated and treated outside as soon as possible. I call for public awareness,  concrete steps should be taken for ill prisoners.   MA/ Fethi Balaman