Muğuç: We make a digital bulletin regarding the isolation of İmralı 2023-11-12 11:32:33 AMED - Stating that the İmralı isolation made itself felt in every aspect of life, ÖHD MYK member Muhuttin Muğuç said: " We make a digital bulletin regarding the isolation of İmralı'. There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Hamili Yıldırım, Ömer Hayri Konar and Veysi Aktaş, who are detained in İmralı High Security Closed Prison, for 32 months. Although campaigns and calls have been made in many centers regarding the lack of news, the silence of the Ministry of Justice, Bursa Public Prosecutor's Office and the authorities continues. Regarding the isolation situation, the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) started to publish the "ÖHD Isolation Bulletin" every 15 days. The second issue of the isolation bulletin, the first issue of which has been published, will be published on November 15.   ÖHD MYK Member lawyer Muhittin Muğuç said that they aimed to make the "ÖHD Isolation Bulletin" regarding the ısolatıon of Imralı.   'THE EQUAL PRINCIPLE OF THE CONSTITUTION IS BEING VIOLATED'   Stating that the isolation in İmralı should be viewed from two perspectives, Muğuç said: "The execution rules applied to everyone are not applied to Abdullah Öcalan from a legal perspective and other prisoners on İmralı Island. The current situation is a clear violation of the principle of 'equality' in the constitution. It shows that the rules and laws are not applied to citizens at the same level and in the same ways. On the other hand, isolation is being spread using this disciplinary punishment as an excuse. This also has a social reflection."   'THE LAWS ARE NOT APPLIED TO EVERYONE'   Stating that one of the reasons why the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Appeals and the Constitutional Court are face to face, which is on the agenda, is that while the law are not applied equally to everyone, this situation should be circumvented and individuals and their current political stances and positions should be acted upon, Muğuç said: "We are faced with such a strange situation because people are bending the laws in terms of their addressees and positions. We were experiencing this contradiction every day, both in the person of Abdullah Öcalan and in all political prisoners detained and convicted for other political reasons. This strange situation is not something that emerged in the person of Can Atalay. In fact, the situation that happened to Can Atalay has continued not only for him, but also for Kurdish MPs, Kurdish citizens, and Abdullah Öcalan, who is currently on İmralı Island, to whom the Kurds are addressing."   'DIGITAL BULLETIN REGARDING THE ISOLATION ON IMRALI'   Referring to the digital "isolation" bulletin issued by ÖHD and published every 15 days, Muğuç said: "The isolation committed in front of everyone is not only an ongoing isolation of the prisoners and people on İmralı Island. Isolation makes itself felt throughout society, sometimes openly and openly and sometimes implicitly, on certain issues. ÖHD also decided to make a digital bulletin regarding the isolation of İmralı, which has become very visible in this case. It will make digital broadcasts on its own website for 15 days. We did this to convey the lockdown to the masses and the public and to keep it on the agenda. Otherwise, isolation has been squeezed into such a narrow area that it has become an area that can only be interpreted by a narrow group of people, both legally and socially. We thought about how we can explain the isolation part to the society and other citizens with this study we have done, and we implemented the application based on this need."   MA / Müjdat Can