Preventing the release of 7 prisoners from Prison 2023-11-10 15:49:03   ADANA - It was stated that the release of 7 prisoners in Konya Ereğli High Security Prison was postponed for 6 months each on the grounds that they did not accept the imposition of "repentance".   Administrative and Observation Boards (IGK) established in prisons prevent the release of prisoners with the reports they prepare. According to the reports of the Human Rights Association (IHD), at least 313 prisoners' releases have been prevented more than once for periods of 6 and 3 months since the beginning of 2021. 48 of the prisoners were released after the decision to extend their execution one or more times. 88 of the prisoners whose release was prevented are on the ill prisoners list, while 42 of these prisoners have the status of seriously ill prisoners.   RELEASE OF 7 PRISONERS WAS POSTPONED   Mehmet Zahit Bayar, who was arrested for "being a member of a terrorist organization" after being detained in Mersin in 2015, was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months in prison in the case filed against him. Bayar completed his execution in Konya Ereğli High Security Closed Prison on November 14, 2023; however, his release was postponed for 6 months by the IGK on the grounds that he did not accept the imposition of "repentance". It was stated that the release of 6 prisoners, whose names were not known and who were in the same prison with Bayar, was postponed for 6 months on the grounds that they did not accept the imposition of "repentance".