Obstruction to treatment in Prison 2023-11-10 15:34:08 AMED - Mehmet Emin Ado, who is held in Kürkçüler No. 1 Type T Closed Prison, stated that ill prisoners are not treated. It was stated that the prisoners in Adana Kürkçüler No. 1 Type T Closed Prison were subjected to ill-treatment and threats. Prisoner Mehmet Emin Ado, in his weekly phone call with his family on November 5, talked about the violations they were exposed to in prison.   Axîn Ado, who talked to his brother on the phone, stated that his brother told him that ill prisoners were not taken to the infirmary or hospital, and that their right to access health was restricted. He said that their letters were given late and they were not taken out for any social activities such as sports or courses."   'THE PRISON DIRECTOR HAS NO NEWS'   Stating that the meals given to prisoners in prison did not meet their basic vitamin needs, Ado said: "The prisoners were subjected to pressure from the guards and that they were threatened with solitary confinement when they objected. My brother stated that they discussed what happened with the prison director and the director said that he was not aware of what was done, but the violations continued. My brother said they  are constantly threatened with exile and they are facing ill-treatment."   'MY MOTHER AND FATHER CAN'T VISIT TO MY BROTHER FOR 5 YEARS'   Stating that his parents have not been able to see his brother, who has been imprisoned for 7 years, for 5 years due to both health problems and long distance, Ado said: “I was able to visit him myself 4 years ago. We petitioned many times to bring my brother closer to my mother and father, but to no avail. For years, we have only been able to hear my brother's voice for 10 minutes on the phone weekly; however, prisoners also have the right to visit their families. Why are the prisoners taken to a city far from their families? The prisoner is punished once again by not being allowed to meet with his family, and the family is also punished. The prisoners should be brought to the city where the families live or to a city close to it. Among the families visiting their relatives, there are those who lost their lives in accidents. The only thing my mother and father want while they are alive is to see their son."   MA / Mehmet Güleş