Assault and detention at Dicle University 2023-11-08 16:12:25   AMED - SGDF members who wanted to protest at Dicle University were beaten and 2 people were detained.   Young people who are members of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) wanted to protest at Dicle University against the negligence in the Credit and Dormitories Institution (KYK) dormitories, which has been frequently brought to the agenda in recent days after the death of Zeren Ertaş in the elevator disaster in Aydın.   SGDF young people who wanted to enter the dining hall of Dicle University Faculty of Law were beaten and handcuffed behind their backs by the Private Security Unit (ÖGB). Two young people were detained by plainclothes police who arrived at the scene during the intervention.   Students who wanted to show solidarity with the detained young people were also threatened by the police and ÖGB. ​