HEDEP Co-Chairs: Political hostages in the Kobanê case should be released 2023-11-06 14:40:51   ANKARA - Stating that democratic politics is on trial in the Kobanê conspiracy case, HEDEP Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan said: "The case should be terminated and our friends held as political hostages should be released immediately."   People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan made a statement in front of the hall in Sincan Prison Campus regarding the Kobanê Case, in which 108 politicians, 18 of whom were detained, were tried.   'KOBANE CASE IS DEMOCRATIC POLITICS THAT IS ON TRIAL'   Drawing attention to the Kobanê Case, HEDEP Co-Chairperson Bakırhan said: "As our former Co-Chairperson Sebahat Tuncel said, 'we are faced with a case that the whole world applauds but only Turkey judges.' We are faced with one of the most comprehensive "conspiracy" cases from the independence courts to date. We are faced with a dubious conspiracy case from the beginning to the end, from the witness to the minutes to the court. It is democratic politics that is on trial. We all know this very well. It is an approach aimed at disrupting the current situation that the Kurdish people on trial have achieved with their efforts and lives. We are trying to ask this; Fighting against the darkness of ISIS, criticizing the misogynist, anti-human, anti-democracy approach that ISIS is trying to create, especially in the Middle East, Syria and Rojava, and defending democratic politics in the face of this darkness, unfortunately, is a matter of litigation here today. It's 7 years old today."   HATİMOĞULLARI: KOBANE CASE IS A CIVIL COUP   Drawing attentiıo that Kobane case, which is now in its 7th year, is a civil coup that has spread over time and was carried out by the fascist authoritarian regime itself, which was intended to be established in this country together with the AKP and its partners, HEDEP Co-Chairperson Hatimoğulları said:  “We have witnessed many coups by the military junta in the history of Turkey. We had another conspiracy. In the Kobanê conspiracy case, we, as the people of Turkey, experienced a civil coup that spread over time. Kobanê was a resistance. ISIS was a great danger not for the Kurdish people, but for the Arabs, Ezidis and Turkmens living in the region. ISIS is an organization that has been strengthened by various forces and is a trouble for the entire Middle East. ISIS is an organization that tries to show that it will not be defeated and carries out terrorist acts within this framework. ISIS's biggest goal was to establish the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and a part of it was in Turkey. That's how big a danger ISIS was. Where did the whole world public see that ISIS could be defeated? The world saw it in the Kobanê resistance. The Kobanê resistance was very valuable and important not only for the Kurdish people, but also for the people of the whole region and the world. After Kobanê, the feeling that ISIS could be defeated developed among all people. The Kobanê resistance has developed its line of struggle and achieved success against ISIS and similar organizations, against this enemy of humanity, massacre, harasser, rapist, and the mentality that sells women in slave markets in the 21st century.   THE CASE MUST BE ENDED IMMEDIATELY   We have foiled the Kobanê conspiracy case and will continue to foil it. All political hostages currently unjustly and unlawfully detained must be released immediately. This case is null and void. A significant majority of those who lost their lives during Kobanê were HDP members, voters who voted for HDP. The witnesses they brought also stated it clearly. They said that those you are judging are our presidents. They said, 'We are not complaining about our presidents, but we want those who murdered our children to be found immediately.' When we listen to these witnesses, we can easily see how empty this case is, the result of a scenario written by the palace. This case is null and void for us, both legally and politically. This case must end immediately and our friends held as political hostages must be released immediately. For this reason, we, as HDP, will continue our democratic struggle until the end today, just like yesterday.”