DFG's October report: 3 journalists arrested 2023-11-03 15:15:17   AMED - In DFG's October report, it was stated that 3 of the 12 detained journalists were arrested and 2 journalists were sentenced to a total of 10 years in prison.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) published its October report. The report stated that journalists are the most targeted in wars and risk areas around the world. The report said: "The last example was seen in the Israeli-Palestinian war, which broke out again for a while. More than 30 journalists were murdered in just one month. While journalists should be the ones who need to be protected first under all circumstances and conditions, even in wars, it is unacceptable for journalists to be targeted and murdered in this way. It is everyone's responsibility for journalists to work in safer conditions, and we call on the parties to fulfill this responsibility."   ŞARDAN AND KOCAKAYA ARE ARRESTED   In the report, which includes violations against journalists in Turkey in October, it is stated that "Although some of our journalist friends who were in prison were released during the month, it is not acceptable for new journalists to be arrested and thrown into prison as if to 'let their places not be left empty'. His last news was on November 1. T24 writer journalist Tolga Şardan, who was detained on the basis of justification, and Dilşah Kocakaya, whose sentence was approved for participating in the Editor-in-Chief on Duty campaign in solidarity with Özgür Gündem, are arrested."   63 JOURNALISTS ARE ARRESTED   The report drew attention that 63 journalists, including DFG Co-chairperson Dicle Müftüoğlu, were arrested and said: "It is known to the public how this situation is a major obstacle to freedom of thought and expression. Our co-chairperson, Tolga Şardan and Dilşah Kocakaya, and all journalists will be released as soon as possible.."   The report stated, "6 websites were closed within a month, while access to 2,022 news and 682 social media contents were blocked. These figures reveal the extent of censorship in the field of journalism. Hands off from journalists whose sole purpose is to deliver the right news to the public, and drew attention to the violations that occurred in October."   Accordingly, in October, 1 journalist was attacked, 10 journalists' houses were raided, and 3 out of 12 detained journalists were arrested. While 7 journalists were subjected to ill-treatment, 5 journalists were threatened and 9 journalists were prevented from following the news. 4 of the arrested journalists were subjected to rights violations in prison. While an investigation was launched against 5 journalists, two journalists were sentenced to a total of 10 years in prison in the case. While 44 journalism cases are ongoing, 119 people are suspects in these cases. As of November 3, 63 journalists are arrested.