'Call for freedom' signatories: Abdullah Öcalan should be met 2023-10-31 11:09:17 AMED - Signatories of the declaration titled "A call for freedom from now to the future" called for a meeting with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan for a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. 78 people, including intellectuals, writers, artists and politicians, who came together to ensure a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, announced a "Call to Peace" declaration in Istanbul on October 28. In Amed, 172 institutions, including non-governmental organizations, associations and political parties, announced a declaration titled "Call for freedom from now to the future". In both declarations, the ways of a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue were drawn attention and a call was made to end the severe isolation conditions for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has not been heard from for 31 months in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, to ensure his physical freedom and to open avenues for dialogue.   SOLUTION OF ISSUES IN THE MIDDLE EAST   Abbas Şahin, Amed Provincial Co-Chair of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP), one of the signatories of the declaration, said: "The declaration announced on the centennial of the Republic is of historical importance. The paradigm put forward by PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the key to solving the issues left unresolved in the Middle East. For the Middle East to live in peace, sharp borders must be eliminated. This is a structure that can be democratic confederalism."   EMPHASIS ON DEMOCRATIC CONFEDERALISM   Emphasizing that nation states harm people, Şahin said: “The only reason why the Middle East turned into a bloodbath is the inadequacy of the nation state in solving social issues. Especially when we looked at Mr. Öcalan's paradigm, we saw that it contained solutions to very serious issues. We said that Mr. Öcalan's paradigm is valid for all peoples. No suggestions have been made so far regarding the solution of the issues in Turkey and the Middle East. A process that caused the death of thousands and millions of people was experienced with the continuous security approach and military operations. A concrete project is required to eliminate this process. This is the Democratic Confederalism paradigm put forward by Mr. Öcalan."   'ÖCALAN SHOULD BE CONSULTED FOR A SOLUTION'   Stating that the aggravated isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan is due to his paradigm, Şahin said: “Especially those who govern the country have been imposing a severe isolation on Mr. Öcalan for the last two and a half years because they see this very well. This isolation needs to be lifted as soon as possible. Problems should be solved with their interlocutors because there was a solution process that took place between 2013-15, and when we look at it from the perspective of the people of the region, Kurds and Turks, it had very serious consequences. We saw that there was a serious relief. History has shown us that the solution to the issues is actually very simple, but the solution must be with the people it addresses."    'ISOLATION MUST BE LIFTED FOR A NEW PROCESS'   Kerem Canpolat, co-chairperson of the MED Federation of Prisoners and Convict Families Legal and Solidarity Associations (MED TUHAD FED), one of the signatories, Kerem Canpolat said: "There is chaos and crisis in Turkey and the Middle East. The reason for this is the lack of solution in the Kurdish issue. The isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan should be lifted in order to solve the issue. We remember the situation in the peace process. He could end the armed conflict in Turkey within a week. He can do this if given the opportunity, and we are in favor of giving him the opportunity. In order to open this path, the isolation on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners in prison must be lifted. The isolation must be lifted so that the peace process can come to life again."   MA / Eylem Akdağ - Bazid Evren