HDP Co-Chairs: Let's build the Democratic Republic together 2023-10-29 16:02:40   ANKARA - HEDEP Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğlulları and Tuncer Bakırhan called, "Let's build the Democratic Republic together, which will enable all peoples and beliefs to live as equal and respected citizens, without wasting another hundred years."   People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan made a written statement about the 100th anniversary of the republic. The statement said: "Let's build the Democratic Republic together, which will enable all peoples and beliefs, the oppressed and exploited, to live as equal and respected citizens in a democratic environment and ground, without wasting another hundred years."   DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC   The statement continued: "It is our historical duty to democratize the Republic. The Republic has left a century behind. As we enter the second century, it is a historical duty to rebuild it as a Democratic Republic. The most important and fundamental shortcoming of the first century was the lack of democratic quality. Culture Differences of faith, belief and identity could not be lived freely and respectfully on the basis of equal citizenship, and the dominance of the monist mentality. For this reason, the Kurdish problem could not be resolved through democratic and peaceful means.   The construction of the Democratic Republic as we entered the second century; It is the key to the construction of free citizens and democratic nations. The problem of peoples and beliefs, especially the Kurdish problem, will be solved with the Democratic Republic. The Republic crowned with democracy in Turkey will help solve the historical problems in the region by making it possible for Kurds, Turks, Arabs, Armenians, Jews, Persians, Assyrians and all other Middle Eastern peoples to live in peace. Let's learn lessons from the first hundred years. "Let's build the Democratic Republic together, which will enable all peoples and beliefs, the oppressed and exploited, to live as equal and respected citizens in a democratic environment and ground, without wasting another century."