Peace Mothers: Why is everyone silent when the dead are Kurds? 2023-10-29 11:05:51   COLEMÊRG - Drawing attention that the states that condemn Israel's attacks remain silent about the murder of children in Northern and Eastern Syria, Peace Mothers said: "Why is everyone silent when the dead are Kurds?"   Continuing its attack on Northern and Eastern Syria, Turkey began targeting the region's infrastructure and superstructures and civilian settlements on October 4. During the attacks, hospitals, mosques, power plants, wheat silos and oil refineries were bombed. According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on Turkey's attacks on the region between October 5 and 10, 3.5 million Northern and Eastern Syrians were affected by aerial bombardments.   Condemning Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria, members of the Gever Peace Mothers Council stated that the government, condemning Israel targeting civilian settlements, carried out similar attacks in Northern and Eastern Syria.   SILENCE ABOUT ATTACKS ON KURDS   Mother of Peace Gülçin Karabürk, who emphasized that their only demand for years was peace in the whole world, especially in Turkey, said: “We do not want anyone to die, but Kurdish children have been massacred for years. No state or power speaks out when Kurdish children are killed. Everyone remains silent about the deaths of Kurdish children. States in the Middle East say they are Muslim, but when it comes to Kurds, they remain silent. We Kurds are only looking for our own rights. We do not want our children to die and be murdered."   'WE MUST STAND AGAINST WARS'   Referring to Israfil and the Palestinian war, Karabürk said: “There is a war in two countries, all states talk about it, but no one sees the war in Rojava. We want people and states to approach with common sense and speak out for the Kurds. No discrimination should be made for any death. We want peace, not war. We don't want people to die. We do not want Kurdish children to die anymore. Why does the whole world become blind, deaf and dumb when Kurdish children are massacred? Why did everyone revolt when children in Palestine died, but remained silent for Kurdish children? Deaths do not benefit anyone, everyone who wants peace must stand against wars."   'THOSE WHO KEEP SILENT ARE HYPOCRITES'   Stating that the whole world is rising up against the Israeli-Palestinian war, Mother of Peace Emine Engüdar underlined that this is the right attitude. Engüdar said: “We do not want wars to occur or anyone to die. But why don't other states see the Kurds and their children? We want the wars in the world and against the Kurds to end as soon as possible. We want the whole world, all peace-loving and conscientious humanity to see the murdered Kurds. Other states have been silent for years because it was the Kurds who died. Why don't they see the Kurds? They have been attacking Rojava for years, killing children, but no one speaks out for Rojava. Those who do not stand up for the Kurds have no conscience. Those who speak out for some wars but support others for their own interests are hypocritical people. Those who keep silent are hypocrites."   MA / Mazlum Engindeniz