People of Makhmur: The world should see the attacks of Turkey 2023-10-26 13:54:08   NEWS CENTER - Women who lost their relatives and were injured in Turkey's air strikes on Makhmur Refugee Camp emphasized that the sensitivity shown towards Palestine should also be shown to them.   Thousands of Palestinians and many Israeli civilians lost their lives in the 20th day of clashes between Israel and Hamas. At his party's parliamentary group meeting yesterday, AKP's President Erdoğan defended Hamas as "not a terrorist organization, but a group of mujahideen who protect their lands", and described Israel as "carrying out one of the most brutal attacks in history against innocent people in Gaza since October 7." Almost half of the dead are children, the remaining half are mothers and their elders. It cannot be found another state or army in the world that bombs cities day and night, sets hospitals and marketplaces on fire, and continues this inhumane act just to kill children."   During the same days that Israel, which Erdoğan targets with these statements, attacked Gaza, Turkey bombed Northern and Eastern Syria many times, and the Makhmur Refugee Camp twice, on October 7 and 13. Many civilians lost their lives and dozens were injured in these attacks. In the first attack on Makhmur Camp with an Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) on October 7, a mosque in the camp was also bombed.   Women from Makhmur, who were injured and lost their children in the attacks carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces, evaluated Erdogan's condemnation of the events in Palestine as "hypocrisy".   'THE WORLD DOES NOT SEE TURKEY'S ATTACKS'   Stating that the world public opinion is talking about Palestine and Gaza, Gabari said: “We are also civilians in this camp. Women, children and elderly people live here. Türkiye attacks here every day. That day, when the attack took place, dozens of people were praying in the mosque and the attack was made in that mosque. They are bombing the house of Allah. Thank God nothing happened to them. Today, they do not see what they are doing and talk about someone else. Türkiye is shooting civilians and bombing mosques. Mosques, hospitals and oil areas are being hit in Rojava. Isn't this cruel? The voice of this oppression rose loudly. This should not be accepted. Not only Palestine but also the places where we live should be brought to the agenda and these attacks should be stopped and the world should attack Turkey."   'WE MOVED TO MAKHMUR BECAUSE OF THE PRESSURE'   In the attack carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces with a SİHA(Drone) on a civilian vehicle near Kanîkendi Village in Hewlêr's Koye district on October 17, Dilovan İşlek lost his life and 3 women were injured. Dilovan İşlek's mother, Helim İşlek, said: "It was 'hypocrisy' for Erdoğan to massacre civilians while condemning the deaths of civilians. We moved to Maxmur as a result of increasing state pressure in 1991. I raised my children with many difficulties."   İşlek said: “My son Dilovan was engaged. So we went to an acquaintance of ours in Ranya. I was going to buy dresses for my children's wedding. In the evening, we got into the car from Ranya to go to the camp. Then there was an explosion. I looked around and Dilovan was not there. I took my other child out of the vehicle and took him to a safe place because I thought the air raid might happen again. At that time, I thought Dilovan had also gone to a safe place. I called out 'Dilovan' but there was no answer. When I looked left and right, I found Dilovan bleeding on the side of the vehicle. His hands and face were covered in blood. I immediately picked him up and took him to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, I expected that he was alive, but he had lost his life."   'MİT TRIED TO INTERROGATE US IN THE HOSPITAL'   Stating that when they reached the hospital, they learned that KDP officials had called the hospital beforehand and told them that a PKK vehicle had been hit and that the injured inside would be coming, İşlek said: "When we went to the hospital, MİT and KDP intelligence were at that hospital. They came, took our photos and interrogated us. They wanted to strip us naked and control us. After fighting with them, they stopped when people intervened. We are exposed to these attacks because we protect our own identity. This is why Turkey is attacking. What do they want from Maxmur? We escaped from Turkey's oppression and came here, but they are still attacking. Today, everyone embraces Palestine but does not speak out against it. The whole world needs to see this place too.”