Investigation against journalist who criticized detention footage 2023-10-24 13:56:25   WAN - An investigation was opened against journalist Oktay Candemir, who criticized the Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya, who shared the footage of the police house raid, saying "They are violating the presumption of innocence."   An investigation was launched against journalist Oktay Candemir, who condemned the Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya sharing the images of the house raids in Wan on his social media account. Candemir responded to the shared images from his social media account by saying, "An operation is being carried out by breaking the doors to the house of the person who will be released by the court, perhaps at the Prosecutor's Office stage. Those scary moments were revealed by posting the person's address and face; It is served with these images as if it were a great skill...!” He condemned the process of the operation by using his expressions.   The Van Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against Candemir upon this post.   'THE IMAGES DISTURBED ME'   Candemir went to the police station with his lawyer Kadir Kutevi and gave a statement within the scope of the investigation. In his statement, Candemir said that the images in question disturbed him as a journalist and a human being, and that he did not find it appropriate for these images to be published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.