Attacks of Türkiye on Rojava: 2 million people left without water 2023-10-20 13:53:25 NEWS CENTER - Journalist Xeznê Nebî stated that more than 2 million people in Hesekê were affected by the water outage due to Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria. Following the action on October 1 against the General Directorate of Security building located in the Ministry of Internal Affairs campus in Ankara, Turkey launched air strikes against Northern and Eastern Syria on October 4. While hospitals, mosques and oil, water and wheat storage facilities were targeted in the attacks, at least 50 people, including women and children, lost their lives.     Journalist Xeznê Nebî, who closely follows the developments in Northern and Eastern Syria, evaluated the attacks on the Mezopotamya Agency (MA).   PLACES OF PEOPLE ARE AT TARGET OF TURKISH STATE   Stating that Turkey targets "the people's livelihoods" with its attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria, Nebi said: Türkiye wants to force the people to migrate and hunger. Turkey targeted many cities in the region, from Derik to Kobanê to Manbij. Turkey's recent attacks were carried out with heavy weapons, including aircraft. They understood from the statements made by Turkish officials that preparations were being made for a second attack on Northern and Eastern Syria. The areas targeted in the last attacks were lifelines. Their aim is to cut off Rojava's lifelines. What we call lifelines are water stations, wheat and oil. When you target a people's oil and water, you stop people's lives, arrivals and departures there. When you target that people's wheat, you starve people. They aim to cause hunger, unemployment, destruction and migration of the people with these attacks."   'WAR CRIME IS BEING COMMITTED'   Noting that Turkey committed war crimes in the attacks, Nebî said: "Türkiye consciously targeted the economic resources of the people with its attacks. These attacks changed many things. They also changed the situation of the local people in every respect. Yes, it is true that there is a great resistance in Rojava, These attacks are an international crime, a war crime. They appear on the screens and openly say, 'I will bring this country upside down. Both the top and bottom are my targets.' In fact, if we only focus on the words underground and above, we would understand what the Turkish state is aiming for. They want to destroy people by attacking. They want to destroy water, electricity and petrol stations."   WATER OUTAGE IN HESEKÊ   Stating that more than 4 million people were negatively affected by Turkey's attacks, Nebî said: "There are more than 2 million people in Hesekê who were damaged only due to the water outage. More than 4 million people in the region were affected by these attacks. There is no electricity in many neighborhoods of Qamishlo, the city is dark. The situation is the same in Kobanê. Schools and hospitals are not targeted in wars. This is a war crime. When you target a school or hospital, you not only commit a war crime, but also a crime against children's rights, a crime against humanity. All of these are recorded as crimes. The Turkish state did all of these."