Rice harvest started in Bana, but it is forbidden to go to the field 2023-10-12 14:44:35   ŞIRNEX - While the military blockade in Bana village of Basa district has left 2 and a half months behind, citizens said that they could not go to their fields even though the rice harvest had started.   The military blockade in Bana (Ormaniçi) village of Şirnex's Basa (Güçlükonak) district has left its third month behind. Villagers were banned from grazing their animals after Şırnak Governorship banned 5 regions, including the village countryside, on September 15. Citizens were prevented from going to vineyards, gardens and rice fields by the soldiers with this decision.   RICE HARVEST HAS STARTED, CITIZENS CAN'T GO TO THEIR FIELDS   Although the governor's 15-day "ban" decision has expired, the blockade and ban on the village still continues. Villagers, who start harvesting rice every year on September 15, cannot go to the rice fields this year due to the ban. The villagers, who have not been able to enter their vineyards and gardens as well as their rice fields for 29 days, said that their labor is in danger of being destroyed. The villagers stated that migration was imposed on them in this way and called for public awareness.   THE REPORT WAS PREPARED   On the other hand, a delegation consisting of the Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) visited the village on September 21 to show solidarity with the village people and examine the violations in the village. Then, the party reported the violations and observations in the village and shared them with the public. Again, on September 29, a delegation of lawyers went to the village and inspected it.