'Freedom for Öcalan' campaign be expanded 2023-10-12 13:48:47   ISTANBUL - Evaluating the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" move initiated by the friends of the Kurdish people, KNK manager Adem Uzun stated that the move will be expanded with events such as seminars, conferences, concerts, visits and rallies.   A new international effort has been launched for the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in absolute isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Prison and has not been heard from for 31 months, and for the solution of the Kurdish issue. Friends of the Kurdish people, with the motto "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue", gathered in 74 cities around the world, especially in Strasbourg, France, where the Council of Europe, the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) are located, made a simultaneous statement about the move at the center. International unions, political parties, parliamentarians, activists, women, youth, non-governmental organizations, environmental groups, Nobel peace prize winners, philosophers and writers also supported the statements made in 74 centers symbolizing Abdullah Öcalan's age.   Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Executive Council (YK) member Adem Uzun made evaluations about the move in question.   MOVE PROCESS   Stating that such a move was initiated with the call of the "Freedom for Öcalan Campaign Committee of the United Kingdom Trade Union Union", which was established in 2016, Uzun said: "Following a meeting held in Brussels on July 26, the Committee decided to accelerate and universalize the work they have done so far." and decided that it should spread everywhere, made a call for a press conference to be held at the EC in Strasbourg. They called on members of the Council of Europe, non-governmental organizations, women activists and everyone else to join the move."   Uzun said that the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and Solution Platform for the Kurdish Question" was established by the friends of the Kurdish people after the call of the committee, and stated that the 74-centered move showed an acceptance beyond expectations. Uzun said: "Since Mr. Öcalan is 74 years old, a symbolic number was chosen. But there were actions in this context in many different parts of Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe. Everyone wanted to attend these meetings and the number was 100. It was a successful action for him."   BASIC DEMAND: PHYSICAL FREEDOM   Stating that the main demand of all segments of the campaign is to lift the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and ensure his physical freedom, Uzun said: "They all say that Mr. Öcalan should be free because of his paradigm that offers the solution of the Kurdish issue in the Middle East and the perspective of solving universal problems. For this reason, dozens They made press statements with the participation of hundreds of people on the ground. One of the most important things that stood out in the press conferences was that the European participants stated that the European institutions, which they feed with their own taxes, do not fulfill their duties and responsibilities, and that they do not tolerate and criticize Turkey. They stated that they do not accept this, and they state that the European institutions do not fulfill their duties. They especially called on the EC Committee of Ministers, the EU, the United Nations, parliaments and human rights organizations."   'THE CAMPAIGN IS JUST THE START'   Stating that the move was just a "beginning" and drew attention that the move would continue with many actions and events, Uzun said: "This move is undoubtedly the beginning. From now on, they will write letters to parliamentarians, journalists, non-governmental organizations and relevant institutions and hold meetings. Parallel to this, they will hold seminars, conferences and concerts. Delegations will be formed and they will visit the relevant institutions. They will continue with sit-in protests and They will organize rallies. They are also considering a central action within the scope of this move. How this will be done is currently being discussed. They have set a goal for this move: 'First of all, we need to break the isolation. We need to ensure Öcalan's freedom and the solution of the Kurdish issue with the breaking of the isolation."   MA / İbrahim Irmak