Drone attack on power plant and petrol station 2023-10-05 15:34:11   NEWS CENTER - Turkey targeted a power plant and petrol station in Northern and Eastern Syria with a drone.   Turkey's air strikes against Northern and Eastern Syria continue. The power plant and petrol station were also targeted in the air strikes following yesterday's statements by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan.   According to ANHA news; Mişêrfe Himê hamlet of Hesekê, a vehicle on the Himê road route, Himê station, the surroundings of Waşokani camp, Tiwêla village of Til Temir, Til Hebeş of Amûdê and the dam in Çilaxa district of Qamişlo were bombed 11 times in total.   As a result of the bombing of Miserfe Hime hamlet on the Hesekê-Til Temir road, citizens named Elî Hemo Naso (70), Beşîr Îsa Hemîd (49), Ebdulezîz El Mihemed and Ednan Behro Ebdullah were injured.   Xerbi Dam Power Plant in Hesekê was bombed with an Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone). The electricity needs of Hesekê and a large part of its countryside are met from this place.   Seide petrol station was also bombed in Tirbespiyê city of Qamishlo canton. The two main stations in Tirbespi district and the Seîde petrol station, the most important strategic structure in the region, also provide electricity to more than 15 villages and many communication towers in the north of the district.