Release of 30-year prisoner postponed for 6 months 2023-10-04 17:13:42 AMED - TUAY-DER condemned the 6-month postponement of the release of Serdar Şitilay, who has been arrested for 30 years.   Prisoner Families Assistance Association (TUAY-DER) announced that the release of Serdar Şitilay, a 30-year prisoner in Elazığ High Security Prison No. 1, was postponed for 6 months on the grounds that he did not accept the imposition of "repentance". The association made a statement regarding the issue in its building in Amed. TUAY-DER Co-chairperson Vahap Günay said that both the prisoners and their families were victimized.   Günay said: "One of the prisoners who was victimized is Serdar Şitilay, who has been arrested for 30 years. Repentance was imposed on Şitilay, who should have been released yesterday, and his release was postponed for 6 months. Stating that what was done was unlawful, we want all our imprisoned friends to be exempt from the execution law and released."   ŞİTİLAY: THIS OPPRESSION SHOULD BE ENDED   Serdar Şitilay's father, Kadri Şitilay, said: “My son's release was postponed for 6 months after his 30 years were over. While I was supposed to go to meet my son yesterday, I received news that my son's release had been extended for another 6 months. I ask the Ministry of Justice; Is the Prison Board superior to the ministry? Is it superior to the Constitutional Court? They say justice, they say human rights, but all they do is torture people. Do they enjoy torturing people? Enough is enough. They oppress us every day, I want these injustices to end."