Mehmet Öcalan: No solution can be achieved without lifting of isolation 2023-10-01 11:36:42   RIHA - Drawing attention that the conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues with absolute isolation, his brother Mehmet Öcalan emphasized that the Imrali isolation should be lifted for the solution of the Kurdish issue.   The international conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, which is the first step of the United States' (USA) Greater Middle East Project (BOP), has entered its 26th year. The conspiracy, which started with the involvement of global powers under the coordination of the USA, began with the departure of the PKK Leader from Syria on October 9, 1998. Abdullah Öcalan, who left the Middle East and opened up to the world against the plans of global powers, was brought to Turkey on February 15, 1999, after a 130-day "battue" that he described as a "crucifixion" in Europe. Abdullah Öcalan was placed in İmralı F Type Prison, which he described as a "coffin box", and was placed in severe isolation conditions.   NO NEWS HAS BEEN REACHED FOR 31 MONTHS   There has been no news for 31 months from Abdullah Öcalan, who was tried to be neutralized in İmralı, where he was held for 25 years when the destruction and liquidation plan did not work. In addition to the obstacles against his lawyers, Abdullah Öcalan's meeting with his family is also prevented by disciplinary punishments given under the name of "discipline". Abdullah Öcalan, who was able to use his telephone right twice during the 25-year period he was held in İmralı, has not been heard from since his intermittent phone call with his brother Mehmet Öcalan on March 25, 2021.   'THE STATE IS PLAYING WRONG'   Abdullah Öcalan, who condemned the obstacle to seeing his family and lawyers during this meeting, stated that the İmralı isolation system was both legal and political and that he wanted to meet with his lawyers. The PKK Leader said: "What you are doing is very wrong. The state is playing wrong, and so are you. This is not legal, it is not right. This is never acceptable. This is also very dangerous. Are you aware of what you are doing? I want my lawyers to come here and meet with me."    Following this meeting, 137 family applications made to İmralı F Type Prison Directorate and Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office are either rejected or left unanswered, with penalties systematized under the name of "discipline". Mehmet Öcalan, who had the last meeting with his brother, stated that Abdullah Öcalan's paradigm frustrated the international conspiracy and emphasized the importance of social struggle to break the Imrali isolation system, which he described as the continuation of the conspiracy.   'GATES ARE CLOSED TO THE KURDISH PEOPLE'   Stating that Abdullah Öcalan decided to leave Damascus due to an international conspiracy, Mehmet Öcalan said: “The USA, Russia, Egypt, Israel and European countries played a role in the conspiracy for their interests in the Middle East. After leaving Damascus, the President(Öcalan) went to Greece upon invitation. However, Greece did not remain loyal to the invitation. Afterwards, he had to leave everywhere he went. While the gates of European states were open to everyone and had a place for everyone, the gates were closed to the President. In fact, in the person of the President, the gates were closed to the Kurdish people, there was no room for the Kurdish people. This is a shame for international states."     'THE FIGHT AGAINST ISOLATION'   Emphasizing that the solution to the Kurdish issue depends on lifting the isolation system, which is the continuation of the international conspiracy, Mehmet Öcalan said: “We have no expectations from the state. We do not request a meeting as a form of gratitude. We tell them to enforce their own laws. However, the state does not even respect its own laws. We haven't heard anything from the President for 2 and a half years. Everyone should think conscientiously. We do not know what their health status is, whether they are healthy or not. If we had opened the Imrali gates, so many people would not have died today. The gates of Imrali must be opened. We all have to act according to this truth. Everyone needs to stand up against this isolation. A solution cannot be achieved without lifting the İmralı gates.   MA / Mahmut Altıntaş