Attack on cemeteries and bodies: The ultimate point of immorality 2023-09-20 11:13:29   AMED - Evaluating the attack on cemeteries and funerals, MEBYA-DER Co-chairperson Mehmet Emin Kılıç said: "What is being done are irrational practices, the ultimate point of immorality."   Attacks on funerals and cemeteries continue in Türkiye and Kurdistan. In the past, attacks were mostly directed at the graves of non-Muslims such as Armenians or Jews, but in the 1990s, attacks began on the funerals and cemeteries of PKK members. Especially after 2015, bodies were left on the ground, taken out of cemeteries en masse or buried, exposed naked, sent by cargo and dragged on the ground. Likewise, cemeteries were bombed or destroyed.   Mehmet Emin Kılıç, Co-chairperson of the Solidarity, Unity and Culture Association (MEBYA-DER), which stands in solidarity with the relatives of those who lost their lives, evaluated the recent attacks on cemeteries and violence against funerals as "the ultimate point of immorality".   'BLOCKING BODIES IS TORTURE'   Stating that there was torture regarding bodies, Kılıç said: “It is quite normal for there to be disagreements in human nature; however, it is possible to solve these problems in a humane way with a humanely created system. But there is a system in Turkey that does not recognize universal values and does not know the law. Humanity is a value, if you dishonor humanity, it means you are devaluing yourself. What is done against cemeteries are irrational practices and the ultimate in immorality. Another practice is the obstruction and torture in giving the bodies to the families. This is an indication that he has no human feelings left. The deepening conflicts in the Kurdish issue caused some inadequacies and deficiencies in their pressure on institutions. We re-established contact with the families who lost their relatives and tried to strengthen their work. We will increase solidarity with the families."   'WE ARE IN CONTACT WITH THE FAMILIES'   Stating that their work will be aimed at strengthening relations with families and raising awareness, Kılıç said: “We will be in constant communication with our families. We will visit them house by house if necessary. Our families are very political and conscious, but families in the struggle for freedom do not have much information about their legal rights. We plan to explain the legal aspect of this to them and work to raise awareness on this issue. On the other hand, we will hold regular meetings to strengthen contact with both the families of the prisoners and the families of those who lost their lives. If our means allow, we will organize a conference as a result of the meetings. The meetings we will hold will form the basis of the conference."   Kılıç concluded his speech as follows: “The system in Turkey has collapsed because they are following wrong policies. Tukiye could go up to a certain point with this system. It won't be able to go anymore, if it goes forward it will lose. In this process, our people need to continue their struggle, as always.”