International conspiracy be protested in Geneva on its 25th anniversary 2023-09-10 10:36:07   ISTANBUL - Stating that they will hold a march in Geneva on October 10 to demand the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, in the 25th year of the international conspiracy, CDK Co-chairperson Mehmet Latif Çelebi said: "Imralı is the key to the solution."   The sit-in continues every Wednesday as part of the "Dem dema azadiyê(Time is the time of freedom" operation, which started on January 25, 2021 in Geneva, Switzerland, demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The sit-in, which has left its 32nd month behind, continues every week with the participation of many institutions and representatives such as non-governmental organizations and political parties. The Democratic Kurdish Society Center (CDK), which is the organizer of the protests, will carry out a series of actions with the same demands on the 25th anniversary of Abdullah Öcalan's being brought to Turkey by an international conspiracy. Marches will be held in 7 different regions of Switzerland, including Geneva, on October 10 . Demonstration and events are also planned in many regions of Europe, Latin America and Asia.   CDK Co-chairperson Mehmet Latif Çelebi stated that the demonstrations aimed at ensuring the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and breaking the isolation.   ANTI-WAR STANCE OF ÖCALAN    Recalling that Abdullah Öcalan has been held under aggravated isolation conditions for nearly 25 years, Çelebi said: "Global powers carried out the conspiracy because of Abdullah Öcalan's anti-war stance. The conspiracy stemming from the Democratic Confederalism paradigm that Öcalan proposed to the peoples against the war in the Middle East was carried out. At today's stage, this isolation has passed into the stage of absolute lack of communication for about 3 years. The main reason why Abdullah Öcalan is not allowed to meet with his family and lawyers is because they want to isolate him from the public. What happened today is the continuation of the conspiracy."   SILENCE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS   Referring to the silence of the United Nations (UN), the European Committee of Ministers (EU), the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against the isolation, Çelebi said: “When the problem is Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, everyone sees and hears what is happening, but they do not speak out."   'THE KEY TO PEACE IS IN IMRALI'   Pointing out that their demonstrations will not be limited to just sit-in, Çelebi stated that they will carry out a special work against isolation on the 25th anniversary of the conspiracy. Çelebi said: “We will expose the isolation with these actions. Our actions will continue until we get results. The solution to the Kurdish problem and the key to peace are in İmralı."   MA / Ergin Çağlar