Kobanê Case: Those who should be tried are those who said 'Kobane will be invaded soon' 2023-08-02 14:09:28 ANKARA - Drawing attention that the Kobanê Case was not legal, Green Left Party Deputy Ali Bozan said: "The one who should be tried is the owner of the word 'Kobani will be invaded soon'."   The trial of 108 politicians, 18 of whom are imprisoned, continues due to the actions that started in the cities of Kurdistan and Turkey against the ISIS attacks on the city of Kobanê in Northern and Eastern Syria in 2014. The 27th period hearing of the lawsuit filed against politicians, including former Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, started yesterday. The trial in Sincan Prison Campus will continue today. Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Mersin MP Ali Bozan evaluated the case that he has been following since the beginning.   'THE CASE WAS CONDUCTED 'PRIVATELY''   Drawing attention that the lawyers' time requests against the 5,268-page opinion of the prosecutor's office were not accepted, and said that the case was conducted "privately". Bozan said: "In the morning session (yesterday), the politicians on trial made statements about the new documents that entered the file. However, the president of the court constantly intervened. The unlawful acts that have been experienced since that day continue. Unfortunately, the right to defense is restricted and a fair trial is not held. Trials are held by a specially formed tribunal. Even this situation alone shows that there is no legal trial here."   Reminding that the protests started after AKP President Erdoğan's words "Kobani will be invaded soon", Bozan said that the real person who should be prosecuted is the owner of the word. Bozan said: "On October 7, 2014, Erdogan said, 'Kobani will be invaded soon,' In fact, he is the owner of this word that should be tried."   ‘KOBANÊ CASE IS POLITICAL’   Stating that the court board wanted to punish the politicians quickly, Bozan said: "The court wanted to finalize this file and punish the politicians before the general elections; however, they could not bring the decision to the general election. Today they are in the same attitude. They want to hold a hearing in this way. The Kobanê Case is neither humanitarian nor legal. New documents are added to the file every day. While the imprisoned politicians are preparing their defense against the opinion, on the other hand, they are systematically trying to examine the documents entered in the file. The trial has been carried out politically from the very beginning. The Kobanê case will definitely be determined by the political establishment."   MA / Hakan Yalçın