Kobanê Case: The Kurdish struggle was applauded by the world 2023-08-01 15:48:00   ANKARA - Condemning the opinion on the merits presented in the Kobanê Case, Arrested politician Sabahat Tuncel said: "The prosecutor did not prepare the opinion and that the court fulfilled its task."   Central Executive Committee with former Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Figen Yüksekdağ and Selahattin Demirtaş, due to the actions carried out in many cities of Turkey, especially Kurdistan, against ISIS's attacks on the city of Kobanê in Northern and Eastern Syria, on October 6-8, 2014. The 27th period hearing of the Kobanê Case, which was opened against 108 politicians, 18 of whom were imprisoned, including the members of the Board of Directors (MYK), began in the courtroom in the Sincan Prison Campus.   Politicians Ayla Akat Ata, Sabahat Tuncel and many other prisoners and Emine Ayna, who were on trial pending trial, attended the hearing. Former HDP Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ and politician Gülten Kışanak attended the hearing on the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from Kocaeli No. 1 Type F High Security Prison. The hearing was followed by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokesperson İbrahim Akın, as well as lawmakers and citizens. At the hearing, which started with the identification made after the documents entered in the file were read, the court evaluated the requests made between the hearings and accepted the request for time to submit the request of the lawyer of politician Ahmet Türk and Gülser Yıldırım, Erdal Kuzu, for an extension investigation.   'CASE FOR PREVENTION OF THE KURDISH MOVEMENT'   Evaluating the case as "the case of preventing the Kurdish movement and the case of conspiracy", Sabahat Tuncel said: "You are hiding the truth. You and the state are hiding the truth. We reveal this truth. This is our job. We are defending these ISIS barbarians. We are defending the people of Kobanê." Meanwhile, the president of the court interrupted Tuncel and asked her to speak about the documents entered in the file. Stating that the issue is also about the documents, Tuncel said: "Aren't we here because we defend and show solidarity with the people of Kobanê who are fighting against ISIS?"   'KURDISH STRUGGLE WAS APPLAUDED BY THE WORLD'   Pointing to the ISIS attack on Shengal, Tuncel said that with the struggle of the YPG and other Kurdish forces, ISIS was repulsed and the Kurdish struggle was applauded by the world. Tuncel said: “You are judging us because we stand in solidarity with the people resisting this barbaric gang that burns people and women alive. This is your fault. It is the duty of humanity to protect a people who are jealous of the genocide. You have been given a task; You want to punish and get rid of it. You are not judging here. You have no effort to reveal the truth. Your court is only dealing with this case. What are you doing? You are trying to blame the Kurds, the friends of the Kurds."   'WE ASKED FOR IMRALI NOTES TO BE BROUGHT'   Tuncel said: “Since you want to reveal the truth; Why do you reject the gathering of evidence in our favor? You want 7 aggravated life sentences. Don't we have this right? Accept our one request. You brought a lot of witnesses, they all lied. However, you did not accept our request regarding this. Witnesses said I was a cadre. He bases this on Imrali's notes. We asked for these notes to be brought. Why don't you bring it?"   'THE OPINION WAS PREPARED WITH POLITICAL EXPRESSIONS'   Aynur Aşa, another female politician who took the floor behind Tuncel, made a defense in Kurdish. Condemning the 74th Ferman against Ezidis, Aşa said: "We are prosecuted for defending the murdered women in Shengal. The opinion was prepared with political motives and contained political expressions."