Prisoner told about the violations in prison 2023-07-28 15:13:14   TEKİRDAĞ - Selman Çetiner, who is being held in Kandıra No. 1Type F Closed Prison, stated that he was exposed to many violations and said that he would not bow down to pressure.   Selman Çetiner, who was held in Kandıra No. 1 Type F Prison, was detained on January 14, 2016 in Izmit and arrested. Çetiner, who was tried on charges of "Being a member of a terrorist organization" and "possession of firearms without permission", was sentenced to 22 years and 6 months in prison. Çetiner faced many violations during his detention. Çetiner shared the recent violations with his older brother İsa Çetiner, who visited him on July 25.   THE VIOLATIONS OF THE RIGHTS   Stating that his brother reported that the wards were raided frequently, and that the books were confiscated and that the letters and clothes sent to the prisoners were given months later or not at all, Çetiner said: "There was physical torture in prison. My brother's condition was also bad, Psychological pressure was applied when we went to the meeting, and that women had difficulties during the searches. In this way their ties with the prisoners were severed."   THE POLICY OF SUBJUGATION   Stating that ill prisoners had difficulties while being taken to the hospital and their medicines were not given, Çetiner said: “We follow the ill prisoners, we see them. There are people who are on their deathbed. It's as if the state has never seen or known about them. They are currently just waiting for death. We do not accept this. By doing so, their goal is to take prisoners under their protection. They say, 'You will bow down'. They don't give in either. If someone says, 'I am a Kurd, I will defend the Kurdish right', the state will say, 'There is no such thing' and want us to bow down."   'EVERYONE SHOULD RAISE THEIR VOICE AGAINST THE VIOLATIONS'   Emphasizing that everyone should raise their voice against the violations in prisons, Çetiner said, “Everyone should have a voice for this. No matter how loud the dungeon may sound, the people outside are still needed. This torture and isolation must be ended as soon as possible. Shout out to all the families of the prisoners. Let's be the voice of the friends in the dungeon. The existing isolation conditions have been made more difficult. Everyone, especially non-governmental organizations, lawyers and politicians, should make efforts against it."   'GUARDS ACT LIKE JUDGES'   Stating that his brother said that "repentance" was imposed on the prisoners and that the guards acted like judges, Çetiner shared his brother's statements as follows: “A guard is preventing the release of a prisoner he does not want to be released. He can come to the front of the ward, throw a slander and convey it to the principal. They can be punished with arbitrary interventions.”