Reason for the detention of journalists: Sharing the news of the appointment of the prosecutor and judge 2023-07-25 13:26:43 İZMİR - It has been learned that journalist Delal Akyüz was detained on the grounds that he shared the news about the change of duty of the prosecutor, who prepared the indictment of 18 journalists, and his wife, a member of the delegation who handled the case. Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporter Delal Akyüz was detained as a result of a raid on his house in İzmir early in the morning as part of an investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. It was alleged that Akyüz was detained on the grounds that he retweeted a news story on his Twitter account, and that he "targets those who took part in the fight against terrorism" with his post.   It was learned that the post in question was the news about the changing of the places of duty of Mehmet Karababan, the investigation prosecutor who prepared the indictment of 18 journalists in Amed, and his wife Seda Karababan, who was in the committee that handled the case.   It is estimated that T24 editor Sibel Yükler and MA reporter Fırat Can Arslan were also detained on the same grounds.