Bar Association Vice President Özdemir: Freedom of person is violated 2023-07-07 13:57:00   DİYARBAKIR – Amed(Diyarbakır) Bar Association Vice President Mehdi Özdemir stated that the arrest of journalists has turned into punishment and that personal freedom has been violated and emphasized that they will closely follow the hearing to be held on July 11.   18 journalists, 15 of whom were detained after being detained in Amed-based house and workplace raids on June 8, 2022, will appear in court for the first time on 11 July. The first hearing of journalists accused of "being a member of a terrorist organization" due to their journalistic activities will be held at the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court. In addition to journalist organizations, many legal and non-governmental organizations are expected to follow the hearing.   Mehdi Özdemir, Vice President of Amed Bar Association, evaluated the journalists' first appearance before a judge in more than a year due to their professional activities and the violations experienced during this process.   'ARREST TURNED INTO PUNISHMENT'   Noting that journalists are always threatened by the judiciary due to their activities, Özdemir said: "The pressure on journalists has increased with the implementation of the State of Emergency (OHAL) declared after the July 15 military uprising. The journalists were arbitrarily detained and arrested. We see that the detentions spread over a long period of time, and that this situation has turned into punishment decisions as a whole."   'THERE IS AN ILLEGAL JUDICIAL IMPLEMENTATION'   Stating that journalists were accused of "being a member of an illegal organization" due to their professional activities, were arrested and punished. Özdemir said: "Journalists in Kurdistan are in the grip of the judiciary to carry out their professional activities. The confidentiality of the investigation was violated, the presumption of innocence was ignored, and an unfair trial process was carried out. In the indictment, we see that the non-criminal legitimate activities of the journalists who carry out their professional activities have been made the subject of accusation, leading to prosecution within the scope of the crime of "being a member of an illegal organization", and that the right to personal freedom and security has been violated. When we look at it as a whole; We are faced with the reality that the practice of journalism is considered a crime by the judiciary. There is an illegal judicial implementation."   'JUDICIAL THREAT TO JOURNALISM'   Stating that the "policy of intimidation" of the government is also reflected in the judiciary, Özdemir said, "The judiciary has undertaken a policy that prevents and deterrents the current activities of those who oppose the government by silencing, intimidating or threatening punishment. We know that the judiciary against members of the press who are in opposition to the government is a threat."   'WE ARE FOLLOWERS OF THE PROCESS'   Stating that as Amed Bar Association, they follow the investigation process of imprisoned journalists, Özdemir said: "We will follow the trial process on July 11 in order to ensure that journalists can practice their profession, freedom of press and expression, and the right to receive information."