'Good conduct' obstacle to release in Sincan Prison 2023-07-07 13:23:38   SİNCAN - In Sincan Women's Prison, where the release of 14 women has been prevented in the last two years, the release of prisoner Necla Yıldız was also postponed for 3 months on the grounds that she was not of 'good conduct.'   Despite the long period of detention in prisons, releases are delayed by the decisions of the Administration and Monitoring Board. The release of Necla Yıldız, who was arrested in October 2019 in Istanbul on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization" and is in Sincan Women's Closed Prison and should be released from prison on February 3, was postponed for 3 months due to the decision of the Prison Administration and Monitoring Board. Since October 2021, the release of 14 prisoners in Sincan Women's Prison has been prevented by the decisions of the Administration and Monitoring Board.   THE REASON FOR NOT 'GOOD CONDUCT'   The Administrative and Observation Board has stated about Yıldız, “…it is understood that there is no conviction that the convict did not attend the interview, did not participate in the improvement programs and did not make progress, that he would have problems in adapting to social life and the rules of law, that his organizational attitude continued, that he was not ready to reintegrate with the society, that he could commit a crime again. It was decided to postpone his release.   Yıldız's release will be re-evaluated at the Administrative and Observation Board meeting to be held on September 14.   14 RELEASE OF PRISONERS WERE POSTPONED   Since October 2021, the release of many prisoners in Sincan Women's Closed Prison has been prevented due to "disciplinary" penalties and a board decision. The names of the prisoners whose release has been postponed since October 2021 by the decision of the Prison Administrative and Observation Board are as follows: Jiyan Taş, Hanım Yıldırım, Rojda Erez, Berin Sarı, Dilan Playaş, Sedef Demir, Sabite Ekinci, Zeynep Bingöl, Mukaddes Kubilay, Rozerin Kurt, Özlem Demir , Şermin, Necla Yıldız, Bridesmaid Approach.   MA / Dicle Müftüoğlu - Sincan Women's Closed Prison