Hunger strike of Dağ and Er is on its 45th day 2023-07-01 14:45:17   NEWS CENTER - The hunger strike launched by Mazlum Dağ and Abdurrahman Er in Hewler Prison against rights violations continues on its 45th day.   Mazlum Dağ and Abdurrahman Er, who were arrested in the Federated Kurdistan Region on  July 17, 2019 on the grounds of the attack on Turkish consulate general in Hewlêr, Osman Köse, and Iraqi citizens Neriman Osman and Beşdar Ramazan, resisted violations of their rights in Hewlêr Prison, where they were detained. The hunger strike he started continues. Dağ and Er have been on hunger strike for 45 days against arbitrary searches, physical violence, insults and the imposition of uniforms.   Dağ and Er started a hunger strike on September 28, 2022 against torture and rights violations in the prison where they were held, and ended the protest on the 14th day after their demands were accepted. Dağ and Er started a death fast action against rights violations on February 13, 2022, and ended the action on the 9th day after the demands were accepted.   However, as the violations continued, Dağ and Er started an indefinite nonrotating hunger strike on May 18. ​