Violence against arrested HDP PM member Kırmızı 2023-06-20 16:06:01   ANKARA - The beating of HDP PM member Seyithan Kırmızı in prison is on the agenda of the Parliament.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Party Assembly (PM) member Seyithan Kırmızı was detained and arrested in a Tekirdağ-based operation on June 16, 2023. Kırmızı, who was taken to Tekirdağ No. 2 Type T Prison, was battered during the evening count held in the ward where he stayed 2 hours after entering the prison.   During the meeting of HDP lawyers with Kırmızı, signs of battering were seen on Kırmızı's face and shoulders. Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Istanbul MP Cengiz Çiçek submitted a written question to the Presidency of the Assembly with the request of Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç to answer the issue.   ‘WAS AN INVESTIGATION OPENED?’   Çiçek asked the following questions to Minister Tunç in the motion: Were public officials and supervisors involved in the beating of HDP PM member Kırmızı suspended? Have any instructions been given by your Ministry and affiliated directorates regarding the beating of Kırmızı? Is there an emergency action plan preparation work by your Ministry regarding the prevention of torture that has become systematized in prisons? Was an investigation opened.”