Operation in Gever 2023-06-20 15:41:33   HAKKARİ - It was stated that after the military operation launched yesterday evening, violent clashes took place in Tiloran, Memkava, Mûşan and Yekmal villages of Gever.   A military operation was launched with the participation of thousands of soldiers in Tiloran, Memkava, Mûşan and Yekmal villages of Colemêrg's Gever ( Yüksekova) district at around 23:00 last night. It was stated that after the military operations launched in four villages, heavy explosions and gunfire were heard between 03.00 and 06.00 early in the morning. It has been stated that hundreds of soldiers have been dispatched to the operation area by military helicopters and hedgehog-type armored vehicles since the morning while the conflict continued.   While intense air activity was observed in the center of Hakkari, it was reported that the operation, which continues in 4 villages, spread to the Sipêrêz and Omerê mountains.