PYD Co-Chair Muslim: Possible ground operation would be the collapse of Turkey 2023-06-17 14:23:05   NEWS CENTER - Stating that Turkey pressed the button to continue its collapse plan and that its airspace was opened to warplanes, PYD Co-chair Salih Muslim said: "We will resist until the end with our people. A possible ground operation would be the collapse of Turkey."   Co-Chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Salih Muslim, made evaluations to the Fırat News Agency (ANF) regarding Turkey's increasing attacks and connections to Northern and Eastern Syria.   Evaluating the results of the elections in Turkey in May, Muslim said: “We said it a few months before the elections. The removal of a dictator, a despot by fair means has not been accomplished in history."   'THE TARGET IS THE AUTONOMOUS ADMINISTRATION AND KURDS'   Underlining that they will resist together with the people against the attacks, Muslim said: “We base ourselves mainly on our strength and the organization of our people. We will resist, we have no other choice. The main target is the Autonomous Administration and the Kurds. As you know, the Autonomous Administration has recently issued a declaration for the solution of the Syrian problem. Turkey neither wants a solution for Syria nor does it want the Kurds to take part in it. Another announced that the Autonomous Administration will prosecute the detained ISIS members. Turkey doesn't want it either because from the beginning, the dirty work and crimes of ISIS will be revealed. In this trial, which will be held transparently before the eyes of the world, all the filth committed by Turkish fascism will be revealed. They do not want this, so they continue their attacks by getting even more irritable. We don't know where it will go either."   'OUR FORCES ARE PREPARED'   When asked about a possible ground operation in the region, Muslim replied: “Everything can be expected from the Turkish state and its brutality. This has two sides. First, we will resist the possible ground operation. But it seems a little difficult for them to take the risk of a ground operation because we are ready. The other is that there are Russian and Iranian forces in Til Rifat, Shehba and Manbij. Invasion attacks are not in Iran's interest. But it remains to be seen whether he will allow this in Astana. We do not rely on them. We rely on the resistance of our people and our forces. We are in a defensive position. We will defend ourselves to the end no matter what. Our people should have confidence in themselves and their own strength. Turkish state drones etc. technique may kill a few people, but it cannot break the will of our people. A possible ground operation would be the collapse of Turkey. Our forces are also prepared. We have no choice but to resist. Everyone will act with this awareness.”