Ill prisoner not allowed to meet with his family for 6 months 2023-06-14 15:32:25   WAN - Ill prisoner Sinan Karer has not been allowed to meet with his family for about 6 months due to the 16-month communication penalty. Mother Zeynep Dayan, who had surgery 4 times in a year, said she wanted to hear her son's voice.   Ill prisoner Sinan Karer (33), who was arrested in Colemerg in 2016 on charges of "destroying the unity and integrity of the country" and sentenced to 28 years in prison, was given a 16-month communication sentence in January.   Karer, who is held in Erzurum Dumlu High Security Prison and has many health problems, has not been able to see his family for 6 months.   ZEYNEP CAN'T VISIT HIS SON   Mother Zeynep Dayan, who could not visit her son due to health problems and economic reasons, stated that she had 4 surgeries in a year and could not go on a long journey. Mother Dayan, who stated that she could not talk to her son on the phone due to the communication ban imposed on her son, said that she applied to many official institutions, especially the prison administration, but could not get any results.