Parliament will open tomorrow with an oath-taking ceremony 2023-06-01 16:08:07   ANKARA - The 28th term legislative year of the Council will begin with the oath-taking ceremony to be held tomorrow.   The 28th legislative session of the Parliament begins tomorrow. MHP Chairperson Devlet Bahçeli will temporarily chair the first session of the Assembly as the oldest member. In the first session of the 28th term, which will start at 14.00 on Friday, the new term MPs will take the oath in alphabetical order. Prisoners who do not attend the first meeting for any reason will then take the oath. The swearing-in ceremony is expected to last until midnight. The election process for the Speaker of the Parliament will begin with the swearing-in ceremony on Friday. After the President of the Parliament is elected, the Presidency Council and the Commissions will be formed.   ERDOĞAN WILL TAKE THE OATH ON SATURDAY   President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to attend the opening of the Parliament and follow the ceremony. President Erdogan of the AKP will take the oath on Saturday. The new ministers in the cabinet announced by Erdoğan will take the oath at the General Assembly a day later.