Injections not given to seriously ill prisoner Ayık 2023-05-23 10:40:27   ANTALYA - Stating that her son Devrim Ayık, who is 76 percent disabled and seriously ill, was not given the necessary injections, Hülya Ayık said: "My son's healthy is getting worse day by day and the situation is torture."   According to the data of the Human Rights Association (İHD); There are 1,517 ill prisoners, 651 of whom are seriously ill, in prisons. 32-year-old journalist Devrim Ayık, who was ill, was detained with 13 of his friends while he was distributing the Özgür Halk Magazine in İzmir in 2015. Ayık, who is on trial for "being a member of a terrorist organization" and "aiding a terrorist organization", was first transferred to İzmir Kırıklar Type F Closed Prison, to Antalya Type L Closed Prison after his health getting worse day by day, and finally to Eskişehir Type H Closed Prison. Ayık, who was released in 2018 due to worsening health conditions during his detention in Antalya Type L Prison, was arrested again in January 2021. He was put in Edirne Type F Prison. Ayık, who had undergone two operations for Crohn's disease and part of his intestines had been cut off, also lost his right eye completely due to an accident in 2006, and he is 30 degrees myopic in his left eye and is trying to survive in prison conditions with a disability of 76 percent. Mother Hülya Ayık stated that her son could not be held in prison conditions and said that the situation in question is torture.   AYIK HAS NOT BEEN TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL FOR A YEAR   Explaining that they immigrated to Antalya from Amed in 2007 due to economic reasons, Ayık said: "My son was detained and arrested in Izmir in 2015 because he worked for the Özgür Halk Magazine. All political prisoners faced many rights violations in prisons. My son was faced with the imposition of 'intraoral search' when he was taken to the hospital. He needs to get committee reports and when he is taken to the hospital, Devrim does not accept this and he is sentenced to a cell. When we spoke last week, he said that he had shot his last injection and that although he had no more injections, a committee report was not given.”   MA / Dilan Akyol