3 people executed in Iran, public protests 2023-05-20 14:48:46   VAN - While it was stated that 3 prisoners who were transferred to Qazalhasar Prison in Iran were executed  early in the morning, people in many cities took to the streets to protest.   It was stated that Saeed Gravand, Shahab Gravand and Samad Gravand, who were transferred to the Qazalhasar Prison in Karaj, Iran, were executed in the morning hours. Against the executions, people in many cities took to the streets to protest at night. People who took to the streets in many cities, especially Isfahan, Tehran, Karaj, Zahidan, Mashhad, set fire to the streets with the slogans "Death to the dictator", "We will resist until the end", "We will overthrow poverty and expensiveness", "Death to Khamenei".