HDP and Green Left Party: The effects of fraud and conspiracies were decisive in the election results 2023-05-15 15:08:46 ANKARA - Evaluating the election results and stating that they could not reach their goals, Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: "The effect of fraud and conspiracy has been decisive in the emergence of these results."   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokespersons Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar held a press conference at HDP Headquarters regarding the election results.   'WE DID NOT FULLY REACH OUR TARGETS'   Speaking at the press conference, Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: "We could not fully reach our targets we set before us in these elections. It is clear that the election results cannot be seen as a success for us."   'WE CONDUCTED ELECTIONS UNDER ATTACKS'   Stating that they have been subjected to detention and arrest operations for political reasons since the first day of the election start, Uçar said: “Since the day Turkey entered the election climate, with the Kobanê plot case and the closure case, our politics have been tried to be taken out of the equation. The process that started with the Kobanê plot and closure cases turned into a climate of pressure towards the elections. The closure case, like the sword of Damocles, prevented an equal and fair election race in Turkey. Millions of our voters have been asked to mortgage their will through conspiracy and closure cases."   ‘THE EFFECT OF CHEATING AND PAPISES ON THE RESULTS’   Uçar continued as follows: “Hundreds of our friends were detained and arrested with a new political operation every day during the election process by creating conditions in which even the most fundamental right, the right to democratic politics, was created. In many places, racist attacks on our party activities were carried out with the incentives of the government itself. The People's Alliance did not leave even a crumb from the elections that should have taken place on equal terms. He used all kinds of public resources and power to his advantage during the election period. The effect of tricks and conspiracies was decisive in the emergence of these results.   'WE FIND THE RESULT IMPORTANT'   On the other hand, we are aware of our responsibility to take the message of the voters and evaluate them in the process of criticism and self-criticism, and we will do what is necessary. We would like to share with the public that we will carry out a comprehensive study on the deficiencies and inadequacies we have encountered while we are knitting the election process, we will conduct discussions with our people and we will take the necessary steps.   SECOND ROUND WILL BE CONSIDERED   May the hearts of our people and the millions who voted for the Green Left Party rest in peace. According to the available data, we will fulfill the historical role, mission and responsibility given to us by our people regarding the Presidential elections, which are understood to be in the second round. We will continue our work without stopping from our hope and enthusiasm. We will evaluate in all our party's boards the fact that the Presidential elections are left to the second round in the authorized boards of our party, and we will share our work program regarding this with our people and the public as soon as possible."   Uçar stated that the reason for the presidential election to go to the second round is the altruistic and self-sacrificing attitude of the HDP and Green Left voters who are in favor of democracy and justice. “In this context, we would like to express our gratitude to all our party friends once again. We consider it important to maintain our position as the third largest party in the parliament in the elections, which took place in difficult conditions and during a critical period. We will continue our struggle resolutely with this awareness of responsibility. We will ensure that democratic politics is the basis and dynamic for the solution of all problems.”   Uçar said: “No one should fall into pessimism and despair. The struggle will continue to end the one-man regime."   'WE HAVE SOME LOSSES'   After Uçar's speech, HDP Co-Chair Mithat Sancar answered journalists' questions. Answering the question: “We have certain losses”, to the question of whether entering the elections with the Labor and Freedom Alliance “would lose votes”, Sancar said: “Of course, a formula had to be sought with the elections, we said and defended that a single list was the most appropriate formula. However, we have always cared about protecting the alliance, such risks can occur in alliances. Some of these risks were realized in these elections. We will discuss this with our own boards and alliance partners."   'WE WILL EVALUATE IT IN THE CRITICISM AND SELF-CRITICISM'   Stating that they experienced a decrease in votes throughout Turkey, Sancar said: “This decrease is more striking in western provinces. For a more detailed assessment, we need to put all the results before us. There is a failure. It is a problem for us that we get less votes in the West. We need to discuss the reasons along with their ratios. If we have deficiencies and inadequacies here, we will definitely evaluate them in the process of criticism and self-criticism.”