200 people in Amed could not vote 2023-05-14 16:49:03     DİYARBAKIR - Nearly 200 people in Amed could not vote because they were shown as ballot box committee members.   Many people in Amed(Diyarbakır) could not vote because they were appointed as ballot box committee members without their knowledge. Voters were informed that they would not be able to vote at the ballot box. The voters could not vote due to the fact that they did not have the required 142 coded documents for people who were members of the ballot box committee.   VOTERS CAN VOTE WHERE THEY ARE ASSIGNED   Mehdi Özdemir, MP Chairperson of the Amed Bar Association, stated that nearly 100 people who were made members of the ballot box committee without their knowledge applied to them. Özdemir shared that in their meeting with the Yenişehir District Election Board, people who appear as ballot box committee members can vote in the ballot boxes where they are assigned.   Rıza Polat, Co-chairperson of the Amed Branch of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom, stated that they received nearly 200 applications. Polat said that they made an application to ensure that the said voters cast their votes and that they recorded the situation.   WHAT IS 142 DOCUMENT?   142 Document is a document that includes the information on the ballot box voters list, showing that each person appointed by the District Election Board to deliver the members of the Ballot Board to their place of duty, that he is a voter and in which election he can vote.