It requested to distribute rations with AKP emblem to schools 2023-05-14 12:09:53   ADANA - The rations with party emblems that AKP wanted to distribute in Adana were blocked upon the objection of other party officials.   In Adana, where 1 million 612 thousand 680 voters went to the polls to vote in 4,773 ballot boxes, the AKP wanted to distribute rations with party emblems, which are within the scope of the election ban. AKP Provincial Presidency wanted to give the AKP emblem rations to distribute to ballot box committee members at Karacaoğlan Primary and Secondary School in Yüreğir district. While other party officials and observers objected to this, it was noteworthy that the school principal was indifferent to this situation. Upon objections, distribution of packages with party emblems was prevented.