Voting in Şırnak and Diyarbakır started with violations 2023-05-14 11:59:58   ŞIRNAK / DİYARBAKIR - In Şırnak and Diyarbakır, the voting process started with many irregularities and violations.   Voting in Turkey and Kurdistan for the Presidential and 28th Term Parliamentary Elections started at 08:00 in the morning.   In the Cizîr district of Şırnak, it was stated that the "142 document", which was given to the soldiers and police officers to vote at the schools where they were assigned during the voting process, should be taken back after the voting process, while in many schools the back of the document was stamped and given to the soldiers and police again. It was reported that the soldiers and police did not give the document on the grounds of voting again in case the elections went to the second round.   POLICE TENSION IN SCHOOLS   The police, who entered the classrooms at Cizre Vatan Primary School, were warned by the Green Left Party's observers to wait outside. There was an argument over that. The police were taken out with the intervention of other officials. School officials from the Green Left Party working in Cizre Menderes Primary and Secondary School were not allowed in by the police in the morning. After the objections, those responsible were taken to the school.   Again in Cizre Mithatpaşa School, the police, who were walking in the corridor with guns, upon being warned by the witnesses replied: "There is no such law, there will be police on every floor."    70 MINUTES IN THE FIRST HOURS   A report was taken about the police officers entering the classrooms with guns at Atatürk Primary School in Hezex district. It was learned that 70 minutes were kept by the lawyers due to the violations experienced in the district so far.   FAKE VOTE FROM POLICE   In the village of Milga Şantiyê (İkizce) in the center of Şırnak, a soldier voted with "142 documents" even though his name was not on the list. The vote was annulled with the intervention of polling station officials and observers of the Green Left Party.   UNSEALED VOTING PAPERS   In one village of Silopiya, the unsealed ballot papers taken to the school were changed after the objection. After the objection, it was learned that the sealed ballot papers were taken to the village by the election board.   VIOLATIONS IN DİYARBAKIR   It was learned that a police officer at Gaziler Anatolian High School in Peyas (Kayapınar) district of Amed did not hand over "142 documents" to the officials after voting.   It was stated that a police officer at the Fuat Sezgin Primary School in Peyas voted without delivering "142 documents".