Voter came in a wheelchair and voted: End this dictatorship 2023-05-14 11:03:42   VAN - 75-year-old Mahmut Ergin, who has been bedridden for 8 years in Wan(Van), came to school with a wheelchair and a probe and voted. Ergin said: "All I want is for this dictatorship to end and everyone to find peace."   75-year-old Mahmut Ergin, who has been bedridden for 8 years in Wan's Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu) district, came to Niyazi Türkmenoğlu High School in the early hours of the morning and voted. Ergin, who came to school with a probe and a wheelchair attached to his body, went to the classroom with the help of his family and voted.   'I VOTED TO END THIS TORTURE'   Calling everyone to vote, Ergin said: “I have been bedridden for 8 years, but I came here with my will and cast my vote. I want this torture and evil inflicted on us to end. I came so that my grandson standing next to me would not be tortured like us. Now I want this country to be beautiful and good. All I want is for this dictatorship to end and everyone to find peace. Thank God I voted voluntarily and I am happy. Everyone should go to the polls and vote."