Artists will respond to the government on May 14 2023-05-13 11:18:57   ISTANBUL - The artists, who called to the ballot box on May 14 for the AKP government to go, which continued its pressures on culture and arts during its rule, called out, "Let's protect every vote".   Pressures on Kurdish culture and art are increasing day by day. While Kurdish concerts were banned without justification, those who sang in Kurdish were either killed or prevented from singing for various reasons. Lastly, 30-year-old street musician Cihan Aymaz, who sang in Kurdish with the music system he set up with his own means in Istanbul Kadıköy Rıhtım, was murdered by the racist aggressor Mehmet Caymaz, who wanted him to sing the song "I die, for Turkey" on the evening of  May 2.   Musician Kemal Yıldırım and director Hebun Polat, who work within the body of the Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM), made evaluations about the pressures and choices towards Kurdish cultural art.   THERE IS NO ART ACTIVITIES    Yıldırım, who has been working in the field of culture and arts for nearly 20 years, reminded the murder of Cihan Aymaz: “The reason for these massacres is the AKP's racist policies towards artists. With the trustee policy carried out in Kurdistan for the last 7 or 8 years, a tremendous pressure has been put into effect, especially in the field of culture and art. I don't remember giving a concert for about 8 years or watching a concert. There is no art activities."   THE GOVERNMENT IGNORES ART   Stating that they took part in the election tours as MKM, Yıldırım said: "We saw the people's belief and enthusiasm for change very well. The election is also of great importance for artists. We are faced with a government that has been against the field of culture for 20 years. We need to send this government that ignores culture and art. Hundreds of cultural institutions were closed in Kurdistan and dozens of artists were arrested. Many had to leave the country. This is a conscious policy. It is our duty as artists to resist against it. Election is also a part of this resistance. That's why artists should go to the ballot box and use their votes.”