Buldan: The Green Left is the guarantee of this country 2023-05-08 16:35:59 KARS - Speaking at the Green Left Party's Qers rally, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan said: "We are the guarantee of the country. They start to attack as they lose and unfortunately they do not know that they will lose as they attack."   The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) held a rally in Kars Republic Square. Thousands of people attended the rally as well as HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan and DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır. The density of youth and women at the rally drew attention. Despite the rain, the thousands who filled the area stopped at the halay to the music played. After a minute's silence, the guests greeted the public.   'WE WILL CALL THE GOVERNMENT TO ACCOUNT'   Green Left Party city MP, Sertaç Çelikkaleli, said: “Do not forget those who gave up this city and insulted the people of the Qers in this election. Don't forget the fascists who try to separate the people while the ballot box will be ousted. This city needs the Green Left Party and we have the solution to all problems. We will soon be held accountable for everything they stole from us."   'WE WILL DEFEAT THE GOVERNMENT'   MP candidate Gülcan Alp took the stage with the slogans "Jin, jiyan, azadi". Alp said: “We have hope and we believe that we will wake up with a beautiful sun on May 14. We believe that we will bury this cruelty in the ballot box. We will achieve this. We will defeat the government."   'THE GREEN LEFT IS THE GUARANTEE OF COUNTRY'   Speaking at the rally, HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan said: “Come put your seal under the Green Left. The Green Left is Turkey's hope. The green left is the guarantee of democracy, it is the guarantee in this country. The Green Left will provide strong representation in parliament. We are going to send fascism one vote to the Green Left. So our other vote is for Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Now is the time to win, the time to succeed, we know that this win and success is in your hands. Work day and night, nothing will happen even if we don't sleep for 4-5 days. We didn't go home, we didn't hold hands, we didn't touch, don't leave a heart. Knock on everyone's door, ask everyone for votes, make sure to introduce the Green Left to everyone. Let's give a lesson in democracy to those who say that May 14 is the date of the coup, together at the ballot box."