Rights of detained women violated 2023-05-08 15:51:13   DİYARBAKIR-  Drawing attention to the rights violations of 10 women arrested on April 25 in prison, DAKAP and the Network Against Violence said: "Our female friends who were arrested due to judicial harassment should be released as soon as possible."   Dicle Amed Women's Platform (DAKAP) and the Network for Combating Violence made a statement in front of Diyarbakır Courthouse regarding detentions and arrests based in Amed on April 25. Many women participated in the statement, which drew attention to the unlawfulness experienced by 10 women who were detained and arrested.   'WOMEN ARE TRYING TO BE SILENCED'   Making a statement, a member of the Rosa Women's Association Law Commission Çiğdem Kapak said, saying that the government wants to silence the voices of women's rights defenders with the obstacles implemented by the judiciary, especially in this period when the election campaign intensified. For a long time, Kurdish women human rights defenders who have been exposed to human rights abuses have been tried to be silenced by house raids early in the morning, long periods of detention, arrests, and astronomical penalties as a result of judicial processes.”   'WOMEN SHOULD BE RELEASED'   Stating that the main purpose of the government is to prevent women's struggle against fascism, Sevimli said:  "All efforts to prevent the organized struggle show how much the government refrains from women's rights defenders who do not give up despite the oppression and threat environment we are in and resist oppression. The main purpose of the government is to prevent the struggles of women resisting fascism. While carrying out this struggle against male-state violence, no force we encounter or encounter will be able to make us women and LGBTI+'s take a step back. Our female friends who have been arrested due to judicial harassment should be released as soon as possible.``   ‘WOMEN WILL OUST THE GOVERNMENT'   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Amed MP candidate Ceylan Akça also reminded the women activists of the Free Women's Movement (TJA) who were arrested as part of the Ankara-based investigation in 2022. Akça said: “These attacks by the government on the Kurdish women's movement, the Kurdish freedom movement, and their desire to exist politically and socially, are a part of the operation carried out by the legislature, executive and judiciary. Once again, we have seen the misogyny he created before the election. In this country, the women's opposition is at the forefront of those who do not bow down in any way. This resistance will organize a farewell party for Erdoğan and his supporters on May 14 and bury them in the dustbin of history.”