AKP's plan to bring the military to the ballot box in Şırnak 2023-05-08 12:47:09   ŞIRNAK - A warning was issued against the plan of Mehmet Aktaş, the General Director of Security, who was the Governor of Şırnak at the time, to put 11 thousand soldiers to the ballot box in the March 31 Local Elections, that it would also be put into effect in the May 14 elections.   While there are only a few days left until May 14, when the voters will go to the polls for the Presidential and General Elections, the AKP's electoral frauds have come to the fore again. Warnings have been made against the AKP, who could not find the response it wanted, especially in Botan, against the March 31, 2019 Local Elections, by moving the soldiers and police to the city to cast their votes.   7 of the 12 neighborhoods of Şırnak were wiped off the map due to the attacks of the state forces with the AKP's return to the concept of war on July 24, 2015, during the curfew declared on March 14, 2016. Tens of thousands of people whose houses were destroyed due to the attacks of the government had to migrate to different cities. As the construction period of the houses to be built by the Mass Housing Administration (TOKİ) extended, a large part of the urban population continued to live in different cities until 2021.   MIGRATION CRISIS TURNED INTO AN OPPORTUNITY   Turning this situation into an opportunity, the AKP made people vote by moving soldiers to the city instead of the migrating population, together with the then Governor of Şırnak Police Chief Mehmet Aktaş and AKP Deputy Rizgin Birlik. Aktaş and Birlik moved 11 thousand military personnel from the Cizîr (Cizre), Silopiya (Silopi), Hezex (Idil), Qileban (Uludere) districts of Şırnak to the city and had them vote for the AKP, based on the data they received from the Population Directorate.   RESULTS OF THE LAST 4 ELECTIONS   It was also noteworthy that the HDP tradition, which won the municipality by a large margin in the local elections held during the AKP rule, lost Şırnak in the 2019 elections. As a matter of fact, Kurdish politics, which entered the 2004 elections from the list of the Social Democratic People's Party (SHP), passed to the municipal administration with 40.86 percent of the votes. The municipality won with 53.70 percent of the votes in the 2009 local elections with the Democratic Society Party (DTP), and this rate was 74.76 percent with the Peace and Democracy Party in the 2014 elections. The AKP's 61.72 percent of votes in the HDP's stronghold in Şırnak made a difference to the fact that the soldiers moved to the city and cast their votes.   The AKP registered thousands of soldiers in workplaces, barns and derelict buildings as voters. All of the HDP's objections to this were rejected by the District Election Board.   CALL TO PUBLIC TO STAND UP FOR THE BOXES   In the city, it is said that the AKP is preparing to vote for the AKP by moving thousands of soldiers to the polls, as in the 2019 elections. The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Şırnak Provincial Organization warned voters against possible fraud. Stating that Şırnak Governor Osman Bilgin threatened voters to vote for the AKP, the Green Left Party said that they are preparing for any irregularities that may occur on the election day and called on the public to stand up for the ballot boxes.   MA / Dilgeş Ruvanas