Akdağ: The isolation of Öcalan spread to the whole Middle East 2023-05-07 16:37:54     ADANA- Drawing attention to the heavy isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, MED-TUHAD FED Co-chair Safiye Akdağ emphasized that the isolation that started in İmralı has spread to the entire Middle East.   Mediterranean Adana Association for Assistance and Solidarity with the Families of Prisoners and Convicts (AATUHAY-DER) held its 2nd Ordinary Congress. The Congress, which was held in the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Adana provincial building, was attended by the Free Women's Movement (TJA), the Association for Solidarity with the Bereaved of the Mediterranean (AKKAY-DER), the Med-Detained and Convicted Families Legal and Solidarity Associations Federation (MED-TUHAD FED), the Peace Mothers'  Council, Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) executives and many people attended the congress.   Banners "Lift the isolation and deaths in prisons" and "Freedom to the ill prisoners" were hung in the congress hall. The slogans of "Bijî Serok Apo(Long live Abdullah Öcalan)" and "Martyrs are immortal" were shouted at the congress, which started with a moment of silence.   AKDAĞ: ISOLATION WAS SPREAD TO THE MIDDLE EAST   Speaking at the congress and drawing attention to the pressure in prisons and the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, MED-TUHAD FED Co-Chair Safiye Akdağ said:  "The isolation started with İmralı but has now spread to the entire Middle East. Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan was arrested in 1999 as a result of a conspiracy we can call 'black'. Since then, a heavy isolation has been carried out on him. This isolation, which has spread to the entire Kurdish people, especially Abdullah Öcalan, and the Middle East, continues to increase. Since a short phone call of a few minutes on March 25, 2021, neither his lawyers nor his family have heard from Mr. Abdullah Öcalan for almost 26 months. There is no news of any kind, not only from Mr. Öcalan, but also from Hamili Yıldırım, Veysi Aktaş and Ömer Hayri Konar, who are being held with him in İmralı.”   'TRYING TO PREVENT THE PHILOSOPHY OF ÖCALAN REACHING THE PUBLIC'   Akdağ noted that with isolation, Öcalan's philosophy is tried to be prevented from reaching the Kurdish people, and the Kurdish people's spirit of resistance and freedom is being destroyed.   NEW CO-PRESIDENTS WERE ELECTED   After the one-year activity and financial reports were read in the congress, AATUHAY-DER determined its new management. Nuran Kaya Özdeş and Mustafa Koç were elected as co-chairs of the association.